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Lymphatic Health Clinic
Our services

The Lymphatic Health Clinic initial appointment includes a comprehensive consultation.
Free consultations for all services at The Lymphatic Health Clinic .

Deluxe Detox MLD Facial

$165.00 Per Hour

Includes Osmosis enzyme peel, Vit A infusion, and mask.

Osmosis skincare products selected to suit your skin type. Osmosis Wellness products are available to address your skin health internally at The Lymphatic Health Clinic. 

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

$110.00 per hour plus consumables additional cost
Adjunct Therapies no additional fee.

The Compression Room

$55 for 50 min + 10 minutes prep time

The Compression Room is a private space for 1- 2 people for clients to relax while having SIPC therapy.

Scar Therapy

$40.00 per 20 minutes

A series of treatments every 2-4 weeks may be recommended

Detox MLD Facial

$90.00 Per Hour